Safe Soulmates

The overarching purpose of Safe Soulmates is to end loneliness for neurodivergent and disabled adults (most Soulmates are autistic and/or are adults with learning disabilities). We have been doing this by hosting small and large events (in person and on zoom); by connecting people in whatsapp groups; by encouraging Soulmates to check in with each other and by checking in ourselves with those soulmates and parents who are really struggling; we also chaperone friendship and date matches if there is a romantic or friendship connection; Safe Soulmates is a safe community.

Although at Safe Soulmates we would not describe the amazing people we meet as disadvantaged, they can be disadvantaged by others and by a lack of diversity and inclusiveness in some areas of society. Safe Soulmates is a community of people who feel a sense of belonging and of self worth; they may have mental health difficulties for myriad reasons, and oftentimes there is a dire lack of employment opportunities for this multi talented group of brilliant people. Amongst our community we have a circus skills expert, comedians, artists, sports people, computer whizzes, an expert mathematician, a computer scientist, poets, presenters, to name some of the talents we enjoy hearing about and witnessing and promote when possible. We want our community to have the chances that others enjoy, because they deserve it.  They are hard working in sometimes very difficult circumstances, resilient, independent as much as is possible for the individual and above all, very kind and inclusive of one another.

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